

Rewards of Looking Back and Ahead

Sometimes gardening is slow work - although weeds seem to come quickly at times, the day-to-day of harvesting can seem slow and patience-building. I walk out each morning and check the garden - anything to pick yet?

Like most things in life though, it's so important to look back and reflect on how yourself as a person, your project, career, company, etc. has grown and developed over time. This is the most positive kind of looking back - to see the "before" and "after" and celebrate growth. In gardening, it's the same thing - you start with a plot of land, and at the end, it has grown into a productive, useful place.

Here's our backyard before we dug in to it:

Here it is in the most recent shot I have from several weeks ago, as well as some close-ups of the vegetables we have so far:

I'm excited to see more come out of it and watch it grow - we are still trying to decide what to do with one area that has unsuccessful watermelons and cantaloupes in it, and if I can find a good late summer crop to replace it with.

In the meantime, I'm finding a lot of good suggestions for what to do with an abundance of tomatoes! Here is one of my favorite sites for using tomatoes:

"You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for."
Craig Bruce

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