

Pictures from a Rainy Weekend.

Rainy weekends call for none other than a good house cleaning.  There's finally no excuse to ignore the piles of dishes, dust, and clutter that has accumulated (at least that's what usually constitutes cleaning at our house...).  This weekend we did all of that, thanks to the help of my willing husband and some laundry assistance from my parents.

I took advantage of some down time on Sunday to start working on better organization for my kitchen.  I made a good start, but I know I have more to do, which first will involve reading/researching a few good ideas for organizing a small apartment kitchen.

Just a few before and after photos of surface-level organizing:


 (Yes, I do like to watch Hulu while
working in the kitchen.)


And then I was finally able to get outside and survey the state of our very wet fall garden.  We still have a few things going - kale, pumpkins, eggplant, tomatoes, and hot peppers, not to mention a few cantaloupes and maybe squash (we're waiting to see what will happen with those).  I would have snapped more ground-level photos, but the bugs were at me non-stop, so I made as quick a stop as I could!

Tomatoes, squash, kale, and pumpkins (look hard!)

LOTS of tomatoes!

(You can see the effects of a few days of rain 
from looking at the pots on our fire escape!)

As you can see, we still have burgeoning tomato plants, which means that more salsa is in the works this week (maybe with a little extra kick since we have so many hot peppers and we're not really spicy-eating people.)! 

I am already looking forward to next spring and the garden planning and experiments that it will bring.  But for now, we will enjoy the last simple pleasures of our wet fall garden. 

"...I have great faith in a seed.  Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders."               -- Henry David Thoreau

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