

Today is for {relaxing}.

Today I decided that I am just going to relax and do all the things that I enjoy most in a day all to myself.  It's not that I do so much in a week (not nearly as much as Ben manages in his busy weeks!), but this week has felt particularly busy and my stress level in handling it all has not been my most admirable...

So it's time to just relax, and refocus.  Before Thanksgiving, I need to remember all that I have to be thankful for, and in turn, live with a deeper sense of that gratitude and let it shape me more in to the person I would like to be.  More thankful, more peaceful, and more loving.  Less petty and less worried.  More gracious, thoughtful, and creative.  That is the life I would like to embrace - because I know it's in me, I just need to find it and choose to live that way.

I'm ready for flowers at market, browsing my favorite place (Salvation Army!), enjoying the quiet of my messy home, reading my new books, and writing thank you notes to those I love so much to thank them just for being them.

I'm thankful that I can have a day like this, that my schedule allows it, and that I am given the grace each day to live, mess up, and start all over the next day with new things learned.  So here goes today!

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