

A Wedding Weekend.

Wow, {what a weekend} we had!  Hannah, my younger sister, got married on Saturday afternoon.  She was a beautiful bride, and everything went smoothly without a hitch.  It was so fun to be a part of the day with wonderful people and lots of joy.

Looking back, it is a blur to think of all that happened this weekend, and to realize that after all the celebration, my little sister is now married and on to a new step in her life.  I am experiencing a bittersweet range of emotions.  Although I'm feeling more sadness than I expected about her moving further away (this weekend has brought on many more tears than I expected!), I also am so excited for her and her husband, Zack, all the new and exciting things ahead of them.  It's amazing how much emotion change can provoke.  Change is simultaneously such a wonderful and scary part of life.  Also inevitable, so I guess it's one that we'll always have to learn to live well with!

More to come...{[15]} Minute Monday and an update on my cooking/freezer day yesterday!


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