

First Ever Giveaway on Rewards of the Simple Life!

It's time for the first giveaway from Rewards of the Simple Life!  There is one copy of The Joy of Simple Living: Over 1,500 Simple Ways to Make Your Life Easy and Content - At Home and At Work  by Jeff Davidson for a lucky reader. 

Reviewers of the book write,
"Not only does it give dozens and dozens of suggestions on how to simplify every area of your life, it then goes on to simplifying your office, your desk, your commute, your holidays, vacations and so on."
"This is the first book I've seen on the topic that takes a methodical look at how to simplify your life. Rather than offering aphorisms, one-a-day bits of philosophy and other airy-fairy stuff that in the end, add up to anything, this book offers concrete suggestion after concrete suggestion as to how to make things less complex."                                              (from

My review:
In an effort to live more simply in 2012 and always, this book is a great guide to help you know where to start.  I especially love that the book is organized by room so that it is easy to turn to whatever section you are most interested in without having to read the whole book.

One lucky reader will receive this book!  To enter, leave your comment below on one way that you would like to simplify your life in 2012.   

Someone will be drawn at random this Friday, the 13th (we'll bring some luck to this unlucky day!).  Good luck!

If you haven't already, check out my latest eBay items here!


  1. Hi I'm a new follower :) Sounds like a great book. This year I would love to simplify my life by learning how to manage my time more wisely!

  2. Awesome! I'm trying to simplify my life by shopping less.

  3. Enjoyed stumbling on your blog... I aim to simplify my family's clothes and pare down all the "hand-me-downs"....

  4. I am trying to simplify my cleaning so that a little gets done everyday and I am not scared to have anyone drop by unexpectedly

  5. Hi Rachel! I'm trying to simplify my life by starting with my closet. I'm going to organize a clothing swap with some of my friends and family to help us all have tidier closets while giving us great new clothes without having to spend a dime!

  6. Hi Rachel,

    I'm a new follower, too. As my hours at work have now nearly doubled, my goal is to be better at planning and preparing our food. I'm making extra entrees, snacks, etc. on the weekends so that we have easy, healthy food to pull out during the week. I am determined that more time at work (which is till part-time for me) will NOT equate to more eating out or grabbing convenience foods! So far it is working great.

  7. I'd like to organize my life by being more organized.


I'd love to hear from you!